
How I manifested autism

test Well, i'm mako. duhhh. heres just a little more info on me. im pretty chill, pretty chaotic, and i guess id be considered an edgelord to some people. i dont make super racist jokes. only slightly. uhhhhhhhh i also love monster energy. im also a cosplayer and i collect anime figures. i also play guitar really well, and ukulele at a professional level. my birthday is september 13th. im pretty fucking funny and i curse a lot, and uhhhh i love sweets and cats. i barely speak any portuguese like the sad fuck of a brazillian i am, and i hate most mexican foods. i like music especially this fat jon dude but kikuo will always be more #1 frfr. im a lesbian with the hottest goth girlfriend someone could dream of. i have a lot of interests. i like demon slayer, sonic the hedgehog, kimi to kanojo to kanojo no koi, the coffin of andy and leyley, azumanga daioh, cute stuff, cats, saki sanobashi, anime figure collecting, drawing, editing, chainsaw man, and metamorhposis/emergence/177013/henshin whatever the fuck you wanna call that disgusting mess by shindo l. in the future i hope to work with psychology. i also fuckin love fanta. and my friends to they'r great. i also like to sleep and draw and occasionally make music. im a little bit of a femcel, i use she/they pronouns, but i wont correct you no matter which ones you use. i am obsessed with sonic the hedgehog and yakuza 0, but honestly can you blame me? i also fucking love spencers. like fuck those hot topic kids, spencers is where its at. im also super obsessed with adult swim, especially the bumpers.

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