Story Rating:

5/5 Stars!
Merch Rating
0/5 Stars!
Amount of Filler Rating:
5/5 Stars!
Overall Rating:
5/5 Stars!
Sunday, April 14th 2024
Emergence by Shindo L

This manga ruined my life. It's made me cry, it's made me see how sick this world can be, and most of all, it made me see how one bad day can ruin someones entire life. It also made me think a lot about what exactly pretty privilege is. In the least stuck up way possible, I know I've been treated differently by many people (mostly young boys or old men) because of pretty privilege. I don't see what they see in me, but it's still there nonetheless. The story of Emergence follows a young girl named Saki Yoshida. She's socially inept, and jealous of girls who aren't. She desperatly craves to have pretty privilege, and to be whats considered normal. She wants to be her "best" self. Which, if you read the whole manga, you'll see that that definetely does not happen. The story is about her glowup, and how men (and some girls) use and abuse her because of her looks, with no regards for who she is as a person. She is manipulated by her need for attention and validation into going into situations that she thinks normal highschool girls would get in. She ends up raped , hurt, abused, and with a crippling drug addiction. I can't help but relate to her at least a little. Shindo L is a great writter because while I read the manga, I was amazed at how detailed the sex scenes would be, yet it wouldn't even feel like a sex scene. It would feel like watching a live action tragedy. I would see Saki getting raped for like the fifth fucking time, and sure this is an eroge manga, its supposed to make guys bricked up or whatever. But when I went to the subreddit, and the comment sections... Not a single soul was feeling that way. I'd like to believe that Shindo L did this on purpose. That he made an eroge manga to show everyone that victims have a story, and rape isn't hot. I've heard of a lot of eroge that's romanticized rape, and I'm happy that this isn't one of them. You can really see how quickly Saki's life completely turns around from everything she went through. I have absolutly zero complaints about this manga. Especially the Jojo's ending. I will say the original ending was amazing, but I just hate sad endings. I should've mentioned this earlier but there is absolutly no filler. I personally don't mind filler if it's entertaining, but there is none here. Non-stop action. Though I have no complaints about the manga, I do have complaints about the merchandise. There isn't any. Except a tote bag I found on fucking ebay, that I'm not even sure is official. I don't think anyone makes merch for adult mangas like this, but cmon! It's fairly popular, and even more well known. I would buy merch if there was some. Or maybe even fanmerch. But there's none. Booooo !